Some of you might know that I recently "suspended" my facebook account. I didn't realize how much time I spent on it until this week. "WOW!" I thought, this afternoon. "Look how much time I have to do other things now!".
Yes, facebook is a good way to keep in contact with family, or friends far away, that is true. On the other hand though, look at how much time we spend on it, time we could be doing more productive things! At first I was sad that I had to suspend my account, but in my heart, I know it's the right thing. Besides, I would rather call up an old friend, write a letter, e-mail, or send a card to someone I haven't seen in awhile! Real life is so much more enjoyable to me. Spending time with family, friends, and learning more about our dear Savior, and Lord Jesus Christ. He is all we need in this world. Facebook, I can live without.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Change of seasons...
I am sitting here in my room, the scene outside: Overcast, but sunny day. I feel like summer, and fall slipped away.... Like the sand falling through the cracks of your fingers at the beach. It's sad. As much as I look forward to wintertime. It just seems like a memory from long ago, and then I think "Wait, that was this year wasn't it!?!"
As soon as summer was gone, the busy routine of school came back into play... Leaving me barely any time for anything else. :)
Ha! I guess those are my thoughts for today about changing seasons! :D
As soon as summer was gone, the busy routine of school came back into play... Leaving me barely any time for anything else. :)
Ha! I guess those are my thoughts for today about changing seasons! :D
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Don't forget

Last night my mom and I watched a dateline special about the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center. 10 years ago from Sunday will be the anaversery of this tragic terrorist attack. As we watched the horrific videos from then, it brought back memories of that awful day......
Mom, Seth, Leif and I were all starting our typical Tuesday morning with some school exersises. A normal day right? It was until we got a call from our dad at work, telling us to turn on the TV. We turned it on, having no clue what to expect. The scene of an airplane crashing into that building will never leave my mind. The sight of the of all the fireman rushing into the building. One man said on dateline last night, "It was amazing, while we were all trying to get OUT of the building, those men and women were running INTO it, to save lives..."
You know how the rest of it ended. Another airplane crashed into the South tower, the trusses gave way and fell down. Killing many of the firefighters and men and women just like you and me. An airplane into the Pentagon, and another attempt at what was believed to be, the Capitol. But thanks to the courage of brave passengers, they attacked the terrorists, trying to take over the airplane, but crashed in a field...
I cried that day. For the loss of innocent people, for their families, for everyone who risked their LIFE to get men and women out of the Twin Towers. There is evil in this world. And I pray that I will never have to face it, the way they did. But I know if I do, God will protect us, if we have faith in Him.
As much as we would like to forget that day, we can't forget it. We MUST remember it. Remember the men and women who rescued all those people, the passengers on Flight 93, who gave their lives to protect more innocent lives.
God Bless all the families of those brave men and women, and God Bless America.
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