Winter in Northern Wisconsin consists of a variety of activities. As usual, our family is still busy with the daily activities (school, 4-H, air rifle, and so on...). But of course, you have to enjoy, WINTER SPORTS. Yes, what would winter be like without winter sports? This year our neighbors, the Drougas', built a really REALLY nice hockey rink, and being our next door neighbors, we go over there quite often. :) Thanks to my sweet younger brother, I have a brand new pair of hockey skates and stick that I recieved for Christmas. It sure does make life a lot easier on the rink. Haha! I thought I would share some pictures of us and the Drougas kids playing hockey... Ayez l'amusement! (Have fun in French) Hannah Jo
The whole week before Christmas was full of the normal hustle and bustle. It was one of the busiest weeks I have had in a long time. Mom, the boys and I went shopping ALL DAY on Tuesday. (Which, by the way, was very tiring...) The rest of the week was full of cleaning people's houses, and me babysitting for 14 hours. Yes, 14 hours of cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, playing, and babysitting kids. It was pretty fun. The week was also filled with seeing friends.
Mom, Seth, Leif and I packed up the car on Saturday (Christmas Eve day) and drove down to the Cities where we met up with papa. We joined the rest of the Holte/Anderson Clan at the Christmas Eve service. (During which I had the pleasure of sitting next to handsome little Lars.) :D Christmas Eve was a bit different because Auntie Wendy had to work. Just not having the presence of Auntie Wendy was different, she fills in a huge part of the family.
On Christmas morning, we all woke up, opened a few of our stockings, then had breakfast. After opening the rest of the goodies left by "Santa" some went for a walk with Grandma, and some busied themselves with the preparation for the Christmas Dinner! With some more spare time, the cousins all went out onto the lake and played a "Holte vs. Anderson" hokey game. Man, Luke and Pete are really good at hokey, they whooped us!!! Haha! The rest of the evening was filled with the celebration of Jesus Christ's Birth.
On Monday the Peter Holte family departed shortly after breakfast, with the destination of the Funny Farm.
I am thankful for my wonderful family, cousins, aunts, uncles, and Grandma, whom I miss very dearly, but am thankful that she looked so well!
Praise the Lord for Christ's Birth!
Love in Christ,