After being cooped up in my bed for quite a few days this week with a head cold, today was my first day that I could enjoy being outside! After doing my evening chores, I decided to go for a walk to our back field with Tassy (our dog). As I strolled along, with awe of all the beautiful pine trees, snow, and sunshine I was so overwhelmed at how blessed I am to live in such a wonderful place, and for all of God's creation!
Tassy and I were on our way home, and just before walking down the large hill, I saw a HUGE snowdrift, and couldn't help but run and jump into it!!!! I laughed as Tassy and I just sat there for a moment.... For a second I felt like a little kid again; carefree, enjoying the moment, and just living! It was such a pleasant time for me. I know this isn't really any big news or a super interesting story, but it was an amazing way to end my evening, and I thought I would share it.
Take some time to not worry about anything (just rest it in the Lord's hands!), think of life when you were a child, and just live.