Some of you might know that our 4-H club recently had a drama production of Rogers and Hammerstein's "Cinderella".
All it took was a dream, a lot of hard work, and lots of makeup! ;)
We started music rehearsals last November, and in January we started dancing and acting. Months and months went by, endless practices, sewing, memorizing, and playing pranks on each other. Suddenly we all found our drama"family". For Spring Break, the whole cast and crew went out bowling, and ate pizza. Our memories and friendships blossomed. Then, the Big Day.....
I woke up on Friday morning and thought "Tonight is our big opening night!" The day was amazing right from the start, dad made a delicious breakfast, school flew by, and before I knew it, it was time to go. Makeup, hairspray, all the adrenalin flowing through my vein! This was the night! Our performance was amazing! A success so far! We'll see how the rest of the weekend went.
Saturday: The family came for dinner, then the boys and I took off for the Workshop. The performance had been going great so far, until, Seth forgot part of his costume at home! In the middle of two scenes he darted out the door in his socks, drove home, jumped in the bathroom window (because the door was locked), grabbed his costume, jumped back OUT the WINDOW, and made it in time for his next scene. Everything else went smoothly.....
On Sunday we all had a matinee performance, and after-wards a pot luck lunch. Our final performance was great, but sad, because we all knew it would be our last time doing it together... I am so thankful for all of my new friends that I made, and all the memories that I have. This is something that I will not forget for a very very long time.....
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