Saturday, April 28, 2012

Spring Cleaning

 Before shot of my desk! Ick ick ick!
 Before shot of the other side of my "cubicle".

 After shot of my desk. I have tons of photos all over!
 After of the other side of my "cubicle".
 My new way of organizing some of my things...
 These are some of the sweetest letters I have received from some young girls I know, I keep them on my bulletin board, they always cheer me up!

Has your life ever been so busy, that whenever you come home, you just throw things on the desk, or your clothes on the floor? Well, my life had become that busy... My room I kept (somewhat) clean, my "cubicle" (That's what I call my little desk in the corner...) on the other hand, was where I plopped everything onto.... I know, I know, terrible terrible! Well, last week, my life had slowed down enough to where I could get down to business, and clean it. I took a before and after picture to share.


  1. Nice...way to go Hannah!! Now how about the boys????

  2. Thanks! YES! I'm working on that.... :)
