Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Bitter Cold Winter

A couple of days ago, we heard a weather report saying that it was going to get VERY cold! So, of course we started getting things set up for lots of  wind, and cold weather (Extra hay for the animals, and things tied down nice and tight....). On Saturday we started getting very high winds, but the temperature was not unbearable. Sunday morning though, we could all feel it! It was -11 with a -20 degree windshield factor! Crazzzzy freezing cold! On top of that, the motor to our pump was acting up, so it was a really stressful day. Thankfully, the Lord worked everything out, and our pump is working once again.
Woke up again today and it was still really cold! Dropped to -16 but less wind.
As I went out to do the chores, I was just praying that the Lord would continue to protect and keep our animals healthy, and our house safe and sound.
Stay warm everyone!